Kate’s Review: “Against the Darkness”

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Book: “Against the Darkness” by Kendare Blake

Publishing Info: Disney Hyperion, April 2024

Where Did I Get This Book: The library!

Where You Can Get This Book: WorldCat.org | Amazon | Indiebound

Book Description: This epic finale to the The Next Generation trilogy by New York Times bestselling author Kendare Blake ( Three Dark Crowns ) features the next generation of Scoobies and Slayers who must defeat a powerful new evil.

For generations, the Slayer was supposed to be the chosen, the one girl in all the world with the power to stand against the vampires, demons, and forces of darkness. When Willow used the scythe to call up all the potential slayers at once, it changed everything. For years, the slayers have been working and fighting together as a team. Then the Darkness came, killing many slayers and trapping the rest in an alternate dimension. And Frankie Rosenberg, the world’s first Slayer-Witch, found herself fighting evil alone. Sort of.

Sure, she has her new Scooby Gang, plus the help of her mom, Willow; Watcher, Spike; and even the brooding-but-hot Hunter of Thrace. But even though they have a master plan (obviously), the gang is more fragmented than ever.

So maybe it really is up to Frankie—and Frankie alone—to stand against the darkness. With Jake’s wild werewolf brother back in town, Dark Willow threatening to return, and the Darkness preparing for the final stage of their attack, now is not a great time to wallow in teen angst. After all, she’s the Slayer. It’s time to slay.

Review: Well, I knew that this moment was eventually going to come, and I honestly held off a bit because I was reticent to approach it. But Kendare Blake’s “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” reboot series is coming to an end, and it closes out with “Against the Darkness”, in which Frankie Rosenberg, Slayer-Witch of Sunnydale, and her new set of Scoobies have to fight against the Big Bad for one final showdown, with supportive former Scoobies Willow, Oz, and Spike in tow as Buffy remains trapped in a hell dimension. I have absolutely adored this interpretation of the “Buffy” characters since the first book, and I was VERY nervous approaching the end. Partially because I am always nervous about the end of a series I am enjoying, but also because so many of these characters are near and dear to my heart, and I wanted them to be okay. I should have trusted Blake, because “Against the Darkness”, for lack of a better word, slays.

As we are closing in on the end of this trilogy, Frankie, Hailey, Jake, Sigmund, and the original Scoobies left behind in Sunnydale are trying to stop rogue slayer Aspen and her group of traitors known as The Darkness, and free Buffy and the other slayers from the hell dimension Aspen trapped them within. Frankie continues to be an utterly charming main character who has the weight of the world on her shoulders, who feels like a fantastic predecessor to Buffy Summers because she has similar challenges, but is her own person without feeling like a clone. Her biggest obstacles this time around are 1) she knows time is running out for Buffy and the slayers all trapped in a hell dimension, especially with Aspen making moves against her, 2) her mother Willow is going to more and more dangerous lengths to try and harness her magic to help Buffy, and 3) her good friend and fellow Scooby Hailey has imbedded herself as a spy by trying to get into Aspen’s good graces… and Aspen is having more of an effect on her than the Scoobies would like. It all feels like an old school “Buffy” end of season arc, and Blake captures the wit, the suspense, the pathos, and the heart that the show had throughout its run. Frankie is so easy to love and so easy to root for, and she is a such a well rounded character that she blends in with familiar faces from the source material swimmingly. I love her relationship with Willow, I LOVE her slayer/watcher relationship with Spike, but I also love her relationships with her friends because it feels so nostalgic.

But once again it’s my OG original favorites who captured my entire heart in this book. Blake really gives me everything I need from the “Buffy” characters from the show. I loved seeing Willow struggle with trying to use her magic to help her daughter as well as Buffy and the other imprisoned slayers, and how it treads her towards her Dark Willow tendencies. I loved how Oz has so effortlessly fit into this story even though he left the show in season four, as Blake makes him a perfect addition to the team not only for his cousin Jake, but also for Willow, his ex and now close friend. I loved seeing Giles show up (yes it’s a spoiler but it’s GILES, I HAD TO!) and take his place as a wise but still a bit snarky Watcher to help pull the group back together when it’s most needed. And, of course, Spike. My beloved Spike has stayed true to his kind of reckless and impulsive sarcastic self, emotions constantly on his sleeve, but his paternal relationship to Frankie is so touching, and brings out so much more in him that shows his caring and loving side that always comes out when most needed. And I don’t want to spoil much here, but Spuffy shippers? THE PAY OFF IS PHENOMENAL. I tried to not be a Spuffy shipper for awhile even though I was hardcore into them in high school, but Kendare Blake has brought me fully back into it because my GOD. THESE TWO.

I just love them so much. (source)

And once again, so many wonderful Easter eggs and references to the source material. Is it fan service? Probably yes. But Blake does do this in a way that flows well within this story so that even if you don’t know that it’s a knowing nod to something from the show it just feels organic and doesn’t stick out awkwardly or like a sore thumb.

What a fantastic end to a very enjoyable series. “Against the Darkness” sticks the landing, does justice for all the Scoobies, old and new, and gave this “Buffy” fan an ending that I will happily revisit over and over again. That’ll put the marzipan back in your pie plates, bingo, indeed. If you know, you know.

Rating 10: A fantastic and super satisfying ending to a “Buffy” follow up I have adored from the start.

Reader’s Advisory:

“Against the Darkness” is included on the Goodreads lists “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”, and “YA hunting ghosts/monsters/zombies”.

Previously Reviewed:

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