About Us


We’re the Library Ladies, two friends who met in library school and now want to share our love of books, reading, and libraries with you all. We both currently work in libraries and thought, hey, you know we don’t have enough reading/book-related things going on in our life through just work,  we should start a blog about it, too!

What We Post

Book reviews, obviously. But also, we have our Reader’s Advisory page where readers are encouraged to submit requests for reading suggestions. We also participate in a bookclub with some other librarian friends, and we will be posting joint reviews of these books along with suggestions for using these books in your own bookclub.

Who We Are


Professional Reader

I grew up with my mom and dad reading me all 14 of the “Wizard of Oz” books, then proceeded to become hooked on the “classic” 90’s middle grade series “The Animorphs,” and my fantasy-loving heart has never looked back since! I have also expanded my reading taste to include science fiction, historical fiction, and mysteries, so that’s mostly what I’ll review. I currently work in an academic library in Minnesota, so this blog is my “public library” fix. Other than reading, I meet most librarian stereotypes. I have two cats, wear primarily cardigans and skirts, and drink tea like it’s the Elixir of Life.



Being a lover of scary stories since I was old enough to read, I am the resident horror, thriller, non fiction, literary, and graphic novel reviewer. I grew up reading ‘Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark’, and my Mom’s old DC comics, specifically Superman and Batman. Having worked at two public library systems in the Twin Cities, I have a passion for most things scary and most things nerdy. When I’m not reading, you can probably find me playing video games, participating in general geekery, or spending time with my family.