12 Days of Christmas Giveaway!

Happy holidays fellow book lovers! And in honor of this time of year when presents  giving is everything, we’re hosting our annual “12 Days of Christmas” Giveaway. But, tricky us, it’s actually two giveaways, each one comprised of six books from our preferred genres. Read on to see what books are included in each prize package and enter for your chance to win! Both giveaways are open to U.S. residents only and end on January 5.

Serena’s Prize Package

“What the River Knows” by Isabel Ibanez (Review)

“The Fairy Bargains of Prospect Hill” by Rowenna Miller (Review)

“The Foxglove King” by Hannah Whitten (Review)

“The Liar’s Crown” by Abigain Owen (Review)

“Belladonna” by Adalyn Grace (Review)

“The Stardust Thief” by Chelsea Abdullah (Review)

Enter to win!

Kate’s Prize Package

“Beneath the Surface” by Kaira Rouda (Review)

“How To Kill Men and Get Away With It” by Katy Brent (Review)

“The Girl from Rawblood” by Catriona Ward (Review)

“What Never Happened” by Rachel Howzell Hall (Review)

“We Don’t Swim Here” by Vincent Tirado (Review)

“Edenville” by Sam Rebelein (Review)

Enter To Win!

7 thoughts on “12 Days of Christmas Giveaway!”

  1. There were so many amazing books out this year! One of my absolute favorites was I Feed Her to the Beast and the Beast Is Me by Jamison Shea. It was so good!


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